M: Valik huvitavaid fotoraamatuid

O-ost; M-müük; V-vahetus; T-Töö; Ä-ära anda

M: Valik huvitavaid fotoraamatuid

Postitus Postitas KN »

1. Seizing the Light: A History of Photography, Robert Hirsch. Kriso hind 1322, minult 600. Heas korras, aga kaaned veidi kulunud. http://www.kriso.ee/Seizing-Light-Histo ... 43617.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

2. The Oxford Companion to the Photograph, toim Robin Lenman. Kriso hind 840, minult 550. Väga heas korras, aga ümbrispaber veidi rebenenud. http://www.kriso.ee/Oxford-Companion-Ph ... 62716.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

4. Welcome to Pyongyang, Charlie Crane. Kriso hind 445, minult 290. Nagu uus. http://www.kriso.ee/Welcome-Pyongyang/d ... 12045.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

5. Weegee, Introduction by Kerry William Purcell. Kriso hind 380, minult 250. Väga heas korras. http://www.kriso.ee/Weegee-Arthur-Felli ... 42240.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

6. Unclassified: A Walker Evans Anthology, toim J.L. Rosenheim. Kriso hind 524, minult 350. Väga heas korras. http://www.kriso.ee/Unclassified-Walker ... 47210.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

7. Leros, Alex Majoli. Kriso hind 318, minult 175. Nagu uus. http://www.kriso.ee/Leros-New-edition/d ... 07922.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

9. American Photography, Miles Orvell. Kriso soodushind 238, minult 150. Köide heas korras, aga kaaned kulunud. http://www.kriso.ee/American-Photograph ... 42718.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

10. New Media in Late 20th-century Art, Michael Rush. Kriso hind 250, minult 150. Nagu uus. http://www.kriso.ee/New-Media-Late-20th ... 03293.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Huvi korral: kaarelnurk@gmail.com