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Objektiiv TAIR-11 Grand Prix Brussels 1958

Postitatud: 24 Veebr 2016 12:46
Postitas skrimpa
2,8/133 M39. Heas seisukorras, klaasidel kriime pole.
Veidike infot: The 20-blade aperture is almost ideally round, which provides a beautiful out-of-focus blur when wide open. The image is moderately sharp and plastic. Due to low resolution (as compared to the Tair 11A) its basic sphere of application is portrait photography. That is where his principal characteristics - plasticity, low resolution and contrast - appear to be advantages. In 1958 at the World's Fair in Brussels the set of lenses, the Tair-11 being a part of it, was awarded the Grand Prix.
Kaasa tuleb ka nö. originaal vutlar. Hinnasoov 75€.
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