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Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 03 Jaan 2010 22:09
Postitas Külaline
Enamus makropilte on lilledest ja putukatest... Kuid talvel ju putukaid pole. Mida siis talvel pildistada, kui on soov makrot teha? Andke ideid või jagage selleteemalisi pilte/kodulehti

Re: Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 03 Jaan 2010 22:19
Postitas ex-ex-enn
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/p ... html/1.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"Urmas Tartes won the Animals in their Environment category for this image of a springtail, otherwise known as a "snow flea" navigating its way through delicate snowflakes.

When the temperature drops below freezing, the insect climbs down through the frosty crevasses to the warmer soil below.

"But they're only active a few degrees below zero," Mr Tartes told BBC News. "I had to 'ambush' the weather for just the right temperature and conditions.

"I was travelling with my wife and it started snowing slightly," he recalled.

"We came to a place where we thought it might be possible [to see the insects] and the thermometer in the car said it was just the right temperature."

Mr Tartes had waited for the perfect weather in which the snow fleas would be active, but the snowflakes would remain frozen.

His patience paid off, and he managed to take over 100 shots while the insects negotiated their way through the tricky terrain.

He believes he captured something truly unique and that this was largely thanks to his knowledge of his country and its climate.

"I think the best of the photos I take are in my homeland," he told BBC News.

"There's a saying in Estonia that in order to see new things, you have to follow common paths - paths you know."

Canon EOS-5D Mark II + Canon MP-E65 f2.5 1-5x Macro lens; 1/200 sec at f14; ISO 400"

( http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_ne ... 318226.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; )

Re: Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 03 Jaan 2010 22:22
Postitas Külaline
See on väga lahe, olen näinud. Kus neid kirpe üldse näeb ja liigub? Aga mida Tavalise 100mm makroobjektiiviga teha? :D

Re: Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 03 Jaan 2010 23:42
Postitas Diana
mina pildistan lumiseid oksi ,,, käbisid olen näinud jms...
http://www.fotoalbum.ee/photos/Dinnzzu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; on ka pilte :)

Re: Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 04 Jaan 2010 00:20
Postitas Külaline

Re: Makrotamine talvel

Postitatud: 04 Jaan 2010 10:34
Postitas anton
selle kirbu jaoks on vaja üle 1:1 suurendusega makroobjektiivi, mille kasutamaöppimine on paras peavalu :D
aga makrotada saab lumekristalle. praegu vist pisut hilja nende jaoks, aga on taimi, mille juured ajavad talve saabudes ikka veel niiskust taime sisse, mis sealt ennast välja punnitab, ja tekivad suured jääkristallid taime pinnale.