M: Fotoraamatud

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M: Fotoraamatud

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Müüa fotograafiaraamatuid/õpikuid, põhiliselt algajatele ja natuke edasijõudnud harrastajatele mõeldud.

1. Encyclopedia of Digital Photography, Tim Daly - 5 eurot
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Encyclopedia-Of ... 0898564410

2. The Book fo Digital Photography, Chris George - 7 eurot
http://www.amazon.com/Book-Digital-Phot ... 190581464X

3. Digital Photography Q&A. Great Tips and Hints from a Top Pro, Paul Harcourt Davies - 5 eurot
http://www.tower.com/digital-photograph ... /112403450

4. Complete Photogrphy Manual - 7 eurot

5. Complete Photography Manual, Collins - 7 eurot
http://www.thehobbywarehouse.co.uk/sale ... BJpMaC9adA

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